Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Controlling costs with the handicap  reimbursement program

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) offers the Handicap Reimbursement Program to potentially off set claim costs and encourage employers to hire and retain employees with a handicapped condition. Ohio Revised  Code 4123.343 recognizes 26 conditions / disabilities in which, under some circumstances, the employer may be  eligible for reimbursement of partial claim costs. The handicap percentage awarded by BWC will reduce claim  costs without reducing the benefits to the injured worker. The reduced claim costs can result in sizable premium  reductions.  

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Spring safety

Here we are in 2023 and the first day of spring has come and gone. This is a great time for us all to leave the cold weather behind and look forward to warmer weather. The hazards we face in the winter may be different than the hazards we face in the spring. If your employees are working outside this spring, they should be made aware of those dangers. Below is a list of work your employees may be performing outdoors, the hazards they may face, and tips on staying safe.

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Temporary employees and safety

Staffing agencies and host employers both have the responsibility of ensuring a safe workplace for temporary employees. Whether these temporary employees work seasonally or are permanent, they have the right to a safe workplace and proper safety training. To keep these employees safe, both the staffing agency and host employer must communicate with each other on appropriate training. Why is this important…. because both parties can be held liable if OSHA believes safety was neglected. The following list identifies some of the shared responsibilities between the two party’s when using temporary employees.

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Managed care best practices for recordkeeping, documentation and injury reporting

The month of May is Open Enrollment – an opportunity for Ohio employers that have state-funded workers’ compensation coverage to select their Managed Care Organization (MCO). Sedgwick Managed Care Ohio is a key partner for our workers’ compensation program and happens to be Ohio’s largest MCO – by far – in both claims managed and employers served.

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Cost containment matters - Here’s why

As most employers know, the financial and emotional impact of a work-related employee injury can be significant. While the primary goal is to ensure the injured worker receives appropriate care, minimizing the costs associated with the accident should also be a focus for employers.

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

OSHA & PERRP Recordkeeping

OSHA and PERRP recordkeeping logs, summary and online reporting are due soon, if you are required to do so. Recordkeeping may seem like a daunting task, but it can be simplified by breaking it down into the following steps…

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Ohio Safety Congress & Expo

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) will host their Ohio Safety Congress & Expo March 8-10, 2023, live and in-person at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This year, a select number of sessions will also be live streamed.

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Dessie Rogers Dessie Rogers

Stress in the Workplace

Now that the Holiday season is over its time to get back into the swing of things. We may have taken some time off to spend with family and friends, forgetting about those stressors at work. But just as every calendar year comes to an end, so do the Holiday’s and it’s time to get back to work. Whether we work at home, in an office or out in the field we will re-encounter those stressors. Stress can affect us in many ways, so it is important we identity them.

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