C-159 recreational activities  waiver

‘Tis the season that many of our clients host volunteer events in their respective communities.  Volunteer work makes us stronger together to serve our people. These employer-sponsored events are  considered recreational activities. Many times, employers are cautious about having recreational or  fitness activities at their workplaces because of the potential of an employee getting injured and filing a  workers' compensation claim. 

Sedgwick encourages you to have your employees sign an Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation  (BWC) C-159 recreational activities waiver form (click here) to waive workers’ compensation coverage  for injuries. We also understand that these events are morale boosters and you may not choose to have  employees complete the waiver. However, if an employee is injured during the event, this could result  in a workers’ compensation claim. 

It is BWC's policy that an injury or disability incurred during voluntary participation in an employer  sponsored recreation or fitness activity is not compensable if the injured worker signed a waiver of the  right to workers' compensation benefits prior to engaging in the recreation or fitness activity. 

If you have any questions, contact our Sedgwick program manager, Julia Bowling at julia.bowling@sedgwick.com or phone 513-218-4062.


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