Education & Training
The Education & Training group identifies skill needs and assists individuals and employers in finding appropriate training and credentialing to meet those needs.
90% of Clinton County Residents are looking to increase their Power Skills
Are you one of them?
This course dissects the components of arguments and helps students to interpret them based on their perspectives. Students
are introduced to the processes of logical reasoning to interpret arguments and learn how to evaluate the quality of reasoning behind arguments, interpretations, and/or beliefs.
The fundamental aim of this course is to help you to develop two skills: the analysis and evaluation of the arguments we use in reasoning, persuasion, deliberation, and inquiry.
The Networking Workshop
Networking is the number one way for professionals to find new jobs and help grow their careers. Learn how to network strategically to develop your personal boardroom. Understand the difference between moving your job search and career forward in a positive manner and simply socializing.
Click HERE to create an account & access the full library of trainings from Ohio Means Jobs
Businesses seeking Training for Staff
If you or your business have specific training needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We understand that every organization is different and may require a personalized approach. We can help coordinate and mobilize the variety of trainings available locally through our partner organizations to ensure your needs are met.
Schedule a Meeting to Discuss your Needs:
Tammy Keller (OhioMeansJobs Clinton County):
Zach McDaniel (Talbert House Prevention Services):